The Dream Quest One Winter 2023 – 2024 Contest and Summer 2023 Contest Winners Publication!


First and foremost, I hope this message finds you all to be well and in good cheer! CONGRATULATIONS! TO EVERYONE WHO ENTERED THE SUMMER 2023 and WINTER 2023-2024 CONTESTS! You are all winners for putting forth great efforts to write wonderful poems and stories. And Congratulations! to all contest winners on your writing endeavors and having your outstanding verse and prose published here at Dream Quest One! Click here –>> DARE TO DREAM <–  to visit our “Dare to Dream page” or you may click on our “Dare to Dream page” link above, to view all winning entries! We hope that enjoy reading these brilliant literary works of art as much as we do.  I urge you all to keep writing, creating, and achieving attainable goals while working toward making your dreams a reality. Have a fantastic day!

Keep in mind, our Summer 2024 competition is in full swing! ENTER NOW!  for a chance to win cash prizes totaling $1275!

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